Golden Peacock Eco-Innovation Award (GPEIA) PDF Print E-mail

Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat has great pleasure in inviting applications for Golden Peacock Eco-Innovation Award.

Eco Innovation is going to be the key for business success in the new millennium. According to Dr. Madhav Mehra, President, World Environment Foundation, ‘Innovation’ is to ‘knowledge economy’ what ‘efficiency’ was to ‘industrial age’. He says “Wealth in the new century is not going to be created by optimisation but by innovation. Most of products that we use today have already reached a stage of maturity and 90% of these will disappear in the first 10 years of the 21st Century. Our cars, houses, clothes, TVs, Computers, phones and even food are going to be changed in ways we cannot even imagine today. All this is grist to innovator’s mill. Innovation will be the key competitive differentiator in the 21st Century.”

Internet has created a Cambrian explosion of unlimited opportunity. Innovative products /services powered by computers, microchips and using the convergence technologies of mobile phones, e-mail and internet will bring a revolutionary change in our life style and in the world economy. The need is to constantly produce innovative products and services to satisfy even the unexpressed wishes and unarticulated needs.

Download Application Form

Application Fees
Large & Small and Medium Enterprises Rs. 43,500/- + 15% Service Tax as applicable.

All entries should be addressed to:

The Director General
Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat
Institute Of Directors
M-56 A, Greater Kailash – II (Market), New Delhi - 110 048
Phone: 41636294, 41636716-17, Fax: 91-11- 41008705
E-mail: info@goldenpeacockaward.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Website: