in Action
jury meeting in progress under the chairmanship of
Lord Swaraj Paul
right : C P Jain, Chairman & MD , NTPC, Pradeep Chaturvedi,
Chairman, Institution of Engineers & Advisor , FAO, A K Khosla,
Advisor, GEC India, Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Vice Chairman & MD,
Bharti Teletech Ltd, Dr Uddesh Kohli, Former CMD, Power Finance
Corporation & Chairman Consultancy Development Center
TKA Nair,IAS,Principal Secy to Prime Minister of India, (Chairman
Awards jury) listening intently to all applications presentation
by Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi, Advisor FAO and Chief Assessor. Also seen
Dr PL Sanjeev reddy, Dr OPChopra, Dean Faculty of Management Studies,
Delhi University, and Dr Madhav Mehra
World Congress on Environment Management
also presentation of
Golden Peacock Awards
Peacock Awards
Training Award (GPNTA) 
How to Apply...
Application should be submitted in duplicate neatly typed (minimum
font size 10 pt.) only on one side of A-4 size paper in English
covering the following:
1. Table of contents
2. Basic Information
3 Business Overview
4. Self-Appraisal Report
a) This report will be based on Golden Peacock Award(Saperate
guidelines for each award) model and criteria guidelines
given under the title criteria description (as per annexure-3
attached). The guidelines consists of a set of questions which when
answered, duly supported by the objective evidence, would help in
appreciating the extent of excellence achieved by the applicant.
b) Support material:- Support material may have been derived from
self-assessment of the organisation�s activities. This information
must be closely aligned with the nine Award assessment criterias.
The criteria are carefully and deliberately phrased in
non-prescriptive terms, to allow you the freedom to present
self-assessment information which is relevant to your specific
The self appraisal report should not exceed 50 pages. However, there
is no limit on supporting material submitted. Annual Reports A copy
of the last annual report of the organisation shall form part of
the support material.
All entries should be addressed to :
The Director General, GP Award Secretariat,
Institute of Directors
M-64, Greater Kailash - II, New Delhi - 48.
Phone :91-011-41636294,41636735, 41636716-17
Mb: 9811135151
Fax : 91-11- 41636292, 29217475
E-mail : [email protected]
can apply
Any Organization,
however large, medium or small, whether in manufacturing, trading
service or profession, whether in Govt., public or private sector,
research organizations, NGOs and Service Sector covering tourism,
transport, couriers, hotel & hospitality, healthcare, education
& training, telecommunication, construction professional consultancies,
financial institutions etc. are eligible for the awards.
The achievement of the Golden Peacock National Award is the most
powerful way to build worldwide recognition for your brand equity
and commitment to Quality Environment Governance and Innovation.
Applying for the Golden Peacock National Award rapidly accelerates
the pace of your improvement. Even if you don't win the award, the
feed-backfrom the self-assessment gives a key input to your strategic
planning process and puts you on way to achieving world class status.
GPEMA and GPNQA are the natural progression for companies which
have already achieved ISO 9001/14001 certification.
The company and personal recognition which comes with the publicity
and hype associated with the winning of the Golden Peacock National
Award provides a strong motivating force.
Preparation for the awards helps to inspire and allign the entire
work force and management function and improve the organization's
f) Each
'Award Winner' and 'Prize winner' recieves a trophy together with a
certificate. The Award Winner may also use the National Award logo
on printed and promotional material for three years
Peacock Awards Jury
Clark, Former Prime Minister of Canada & Chairman Golden
Peacock Global Award Jury
Ullsten, Former Prime Minister of Sweden & Member of Golden
Peacock Global Award Jury
Olivier Giscard d'Estaing
Founder & Managing Director INSEAD
McHugh CBE, Former Chairman, British Gas
William E Halal, Professor of Science Technology & Innovation,
The George Washington University
McRitchie, Publisher Corporate Governance, Sacremento, California
de Beaufort
Professor of Law, Essec Business School Paris, France
P N Bhagwati, Former Chief Justice of India & Chairman Centre
for Social Responsibility
M N Venkatchaliah,
Former Chief Justice of India & Chairman Centre For Corporate
A M Ahmadi, Former Chief justice of India and Co-Chairman,IOD
Swraj Paul, Chairman, Caparo Group,UK
Colman,Chairman 2001/2002 Award Committee, Member of Parliament
for Putney
Nair, IAS
Principal Secy to PM of India